Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our draft prototype is FIN-ISHED!

Today Bree and I finally finished our draft for the prototype!! Although we could of kept going.. Bree suggested we stop. Unfortunately, whoever would of been playing the game would have to play the game again because they did not achieve world peace! How sad :( Our draft prototype consists roughly of about 20 slides, that could change though when we are doing the real prototype seeing that most of the other prototypes were about 10 slides.. maybe a little more, but 20 slides could end up being a lot more then again ( hopefully not, neither of us has much of a artistic ability so our drawings aren't the greatest). Bree on the other hand, with her amazing computer abilities, made some different things for the game! Such as the peace meter which measures the amount of world peace or world chaos you are creating with YOUR own decisions, to the right side is the more or less chaos you are creating, and on the left is the amount of peace you are creating. It is tastefully designed with coordinating colors that i love! I wish I had the talent or patience to make it! Now switching to a different topic.. We have not decided on how we are going to present the prototype, such a question both of us ponder.. do it on the computer, or draw it out with our artistic challenged hands. We'll have to think about it!! Well.. its almost time to go home, so i've gotta go!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009 (:

Today in globaloria, we were asked to start planning our paper prototyping for our games.
So far we don't have that much of a idea of how our game is going to be set up, but we are slowly working on it, as we really cannot think of anything.
I totally have writers block as of now, so I think im going to have to cut it short, and maybe edit this post later when i can actually think of something to write about.
Until later..
- Kristenn-

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Game Registration (:

Today in Globaloria, we started registration for our game ' Peace Street'. Not only did we fill out some of it, we started realizing how our game really dealt with civics and had a hard time explaining our idea of the game but got help from our teacher. We also recieved a book to skim through to get a better idea of what to do with our game called 'The Travels of a T-shirt in the Global Economy', im excited about finding about what it its about, so i'll let you guys know about it when i read it!!
- Kristen

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 25, 2009

Today in globaloria we are exploring the internet for more information that will help us with our game making. Bree and I changed our name for the game, which was previously ' Shopping for Peace' it is now ' Peace Street'. We also changed a lot about our game, such as the setting. Although we have the same idea for the game.. it is somehow different, I may not be able to explain how it is now different, but if you view our old blog and then check the game out when we have the final product, you'll be able to recognize SOME changes which make it totally different.. yet not. At first when we were starting with our idea and name of our games, we were totally stressed and not very excited about it honestly, but now that we have a better foundation for it, we are ecstatic! Oh! almost forgot. We also looked at paper prototypes from the liberty high school which are examples of what a person's game is going to be like. They did a really great job!! When Bree and I make ours, i hope ours can be entertaining, colorful, well drawn and entertaining xD Thats all for now i think (: You'll hear from me in my next blog!
- Kristen.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today in class, Mrs. Daigle was absent so we had a substitute and Mr. Alder's class joined us. During class we played with flash, but unfortunately my computer and my friend's computer did not have flash downloaded onto it, so we really didn't get much done except for writing these blogs. I wish that all of the computers had flash downloaded on them so we could all accomplish things, but i guess thats just the way it is. Hopefully next time i'll get to do more!!

- P3AC3

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009 in Globaloria

Today in globaloria, I had to create my blog log which has the links of all my classmates blogs.
Which pretty much leads up to this very moment as I'm typing this blog. Bree and I ( my team) have finally made a decision on our game, with our undecided title ' Shopping for Peace'. Although the title may be temporary, that's all we have for right now. Our idea for the game is for the player to be in a store, and there will be a shopping cart in front of you and the object of the game is to achieve world peace, and in order to do so.. your going to click on an item.. Then you will have a question ( whether it be multiple choice or the simple, true or false). After answering the question, if you get it right, the object will be put in your cart, that object is a puzzle piece of the ultimate puzzle. If you successfully answer all of the questions right, the puzzle pieces will all come together and make a symbol of the earth, which will then turn into.... A PEACE SIGN! Who could of guessed?!?! hahaha.
Our idea not only goes with civics, it ties into who we really are.
I hope you guys like our idea!!
P3AC3- Kristenn

Monday, October 5, 2009

Experimenting with Flash.

Today in globaloria, we experimented with the flash program.
I tried it out by downloading the mini game tutorial on the globaloria site [ ]
After I completed that, I tried to do some things myself. Unsuccessfully, i might add.
What my experimenting turned out to be was a bunch of rectangles, circles, and poorly drawn things. Since my team mate was not here today, we really didn't get to get a lot of things done.
Hopefully when she gets back, we can start on our game idea. We are not 100% sure what we are going to do yet, and I cannot decide on what to do without her, so I guess I dont really have a choice but wait until she is here again.
Until then..

Friday, September 25, 2009

Today in Globaloria 9/25/09

Today in class we were asked to choose team names, although Bree and I have not been able to successfully pick the right one for us, we are still thinking very hard about it. I also edited my wiki page to be very colorful and vibrant.
Also, we were told about the civics game competition, which I am looking very much torwards to. I think my team and I could create a game that would be very entertaining and informative about what is going on around us in the world a.k.a civics.
I have high hopes for our game, and possibly we might win that competition!
- Kristen

In globaloria..

In globaloria, I am still puzzled about all the madness of making a game. Although I am looking forward to making games, I think it's going to be very difficult. We have been playing many games and completing learning logs by reviewing the games. A lot of the games were very entertaining, but some were just sort of confusing to me. I hope that my team and I can make some interesting games this year!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Globaloria,the first week.

As a lot of the suspicion and mystery diminished about globaloria, my classmates and I were asked to make Google gmail accounts, our own wiki pages, and blogger accounts. is the heart of globaloria and I've been looking over it for the past few days. Im enjoying a lot of the games, it just fascinates me that ordinary students like me have such talent to make these games. I guess the saying ' you can do anything if you set your mind to it' is the best way to describe it. Im looking forward to seeing how hard it is just to create the games. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!!

Peace guys-