Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our draft prototype is FIN-ISHED!

Today Bree and I finally finished our draft for the prototype!! Although we could of kept going.. Bree suggested we stop. Unfortunately, whoever would of been playing the game would have to play the game again because they did not achieve world peace! How sad :( Our draft prototype consists roughly of about 20 slides, that could change though when we are doing the real prototype seeing that most of the other prototypes were about 10 slides.. maybe a little more, but 20 slides could end up being a lot more then again ( hopefully not, neither of us has much of a artistic ability so our drawings aren't the greatest). Bree on the other hand, with her amazing computer abilities, made some different things for the game! Such as the peace meter which measures the amount of world peace or world chaos you are creating with YOUR own decisions, to the right side is the more or less chaos you are creating, and on the left is the amount of peace you are creating. It is tastefully designed with coordinating colors that i love! I wish I had the talent or patience to make it! Now switching to a different topic.. We have not decided on how we are going to present the prototype, such a question both of us ponder.. do it on the computer, or draw it out with our artistic challenged hands. We'll have to think about it!! Well.. its almost time to go home, so i've gotta go!!


  1. Lol, you guys need to get some artist ability =P and dude, how the heck did bree make the meter thing?! I didnt know she had computer skills! Your guys game sounds awesome btw!

  2. You two really work well together! I am looking forward to seeing your finished paper proto-type and game play. What age group is your game for?

  3. Kristen,
    Your game sounds really interesting. Thanks for the nice comments about Liberty High in your previous blog. My students enjoyed getting the messages from Greenbrier East. Let me know when you post your prototype and I'll check it out. Good Luck to you and Bree! ~ Mrs. Halsey
